Michael Moore's incendiary film about America and its gun culture.Moore uses the Columbine school massacre as an opportunity to discourse upon the subject of why tragedies like that one are so much more prevalent in America than anywhere else. His thesis, that America promotes a culture of fear and violence, is hard to refute, even if you disagree with his methods. Like all of Moore's films, "Bowling for Columbine" is fantastically entertaining, and also enraging. His version of America is one that I'm ashamed to live in.Moore won the 2002 Oscar for Best Documentary Feature, and then eliminated the chance that he'll ever win again by ranting against then President Bush in his acceptance speech in one of the Academy's most infamous moments.Grade: A
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
This documentary is based in part on the 1999 school shooting massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado. I will say Michael Moore presented good ideas and intentions when making the film. With that said, he disgraced the film at the Academy Awards with his hateful speech aimed at President Bush over a completely different topic.I agree, gun violence is a problem in this country, but taking guns from those that uphold the law and own them, why punish them? However, when interviewing former NRA president Charlton Heston, Mr. Moore came off as oafish and unsentimental to gun owners and their rights, going as far to accuse the NRA of gun related atrocities.In the future, Michael Moore may want to look back at his work on documentaries and remember what worked, helping the little man, like he did in Flint, Michigan in "Roger and Me".
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
Yes Mr. Moore may lean left, and yes he may not be the most objective documentarian.However the facts stand: America has many, many more deaths attributed to guns than any other nation. It's a sad truth.Unfortunately Mr. Moore has been vilified for asking why. And typical of the "head-stuck-in- the-sand" mentality of the far right, they are angry for his work, not at the facts.This movie is well done and if you're left, right, in-between, gun nut, or responsible gun owner it is definitely worth viewing.I suspect most of the negative comments posted about this movie at IMDB and similar sites are by people who haven't seen the movie. They're just angry at what they perceive the movie to be.It isn't a movie about gun control. It's a movie that merely ask why so many deaths.Enjoy.